I've never been the type who looked at a say, a shirt, and voila, a "Seven Ways To Wear This!" type montage flashes though my mind. Adventurous, for me, is when I DON'T wear something with jeans.
I am perfectly content to recycle beloved outfits; I even look forward to doing so, and I enjoy slipping on an outfit knowing that there's nothing to check and I will feel perfectly comfortable and confident all day. Unencumbered. Cheered. Energised.
From time, to time, I feel particularly inspired, and swop the jeans for maybe, a denim skirt. Or I tuck in the shirt. I might wear a dress with a different belt.
For every new favourite combination, I wear it four, five, n times. Contented.
Here are a few looks I've recycled at least three times in the last six months. Reworn. Most of the times, down to the very same shoes.

one more time, with feeling!
Reviewed by just4u
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5