I always like it when Miuccia Prada does librarian chic, so when I saw her fall collection, I sort of fell in love with it. Not immediately though, but it's the sort of thing that grows on you. I didn't find anything "boring" or "ugly" about the collection, and it was sort of amusing to read about all the reactions to the collection - people really love analysing at length what Ms Prada does. (But then I'm not one to analyse fashion at length.) In Ms Prada's own words, the collection was meant to be "simple but strange" and I think that pretty much sums it up. Anyway, the way she's doing volume is pretty cool - instead of using yards of fabric or resorting to bubble hems or layers, she's made the fabric big - thick spongy-looking rumpled knits; shaggy looking woolly coats; plastic-y feathers. And the knee socks - no one has ever made me want knee socks before. But Miuccia Prada did. She's a genius that way.