An excellent article in the New York Times that articulates everything that's wrong with the whole concept of eco-buying, aptly summed up here -
“There is a very common mind-set right now which holds that all that we’re going to need to do to avert the large-scale planetary catastrophes upon us is make slightly different shopping decisions,” said Alex Steffen, the executive editor of, a Web site devoted to sustainability issues.
The genuine solution, he and other critics say, is to significantly reduce one’s consumption of goods and resources. It’s not enough to build a vacation home of recycled lumber; the real way to reduce one’s carbon footprint is to only own one home."
Shop less, people, not buy more "green" junk. I've been consciously trying to reduce the amount of rubbish I buy, although I don't see myself being able to do that Compact thing where people swear off buying beyong necessities (food, medication) for one whole year.
Yes I still love shopping, but I've put an end to impulse buying, an end to buying things I KNOW I won't wear, but just find too pretty to resist, and buying anything that I already have an approximation of at home. It's good for your wallet and your closet, and I like the idea of fashion recycling - it makes you a little more imaginative in considering the contents of your closet.
I suppose it's not such a stretch for me - I already like wearing things to death - but ever since I started recycling, I'm appalled by the trash I create each day, and more than a little ashamed. Starting next week, I think I'll bring my own takeaway boxes when I'm buying food to eat in the office, and have my own set of utensils in the office pantry.
It's so much easier said than done, but I think it justs takes a little getting used to.

Why buy a "green" tote, when you don't really need another tote? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being green at all?
Picture of Anya Hindmarch tote from
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Reviewed by just4u
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