After and my friend and I parted ways that evening, I went home and clicked through style.com for Mr Lang's old shows, and I was surprised how fresh many of the looks seem today, even those from 2000. The experiments with volume (tulip-ish skirts, bubble-hem dresses), texture (denim! feathers!), and form (bondage straps, cutouts), even the chunky shoes; Mr Lang had been going at them long before the rest of the pack did, and it gave me pang to think of what he could be doing today if he were still at the head of his own label. I would wear his stuff unconditionally, without a need for a "but". Funnily enough though, looking at me you wouldn't put me down for a Helmut Lang girl - I don't wear a lot of black and I happily mix in the odd floral and small touches of girly and frippery that one does not associate with Mr Lang. But there he is, at the back of my head, unconsciously influencing me as I reject the pretty for the sharp, in ways however small. Go admire his work at http://www.style.com/fashionshows/designerdirectory/HLANG/seasons/
Photograph by Michael Thomspon for US Vogue June 2000

Reviewed by just4u
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5