So apart from trooping down to Mustafa and buying all kinds of nonsense we presume we need, and freaking about travel insurance (loss of use of limbs is the same as loss of limb? Really?), and trying to avoid wearing the stuff I plan to pack, here was a lovely image from Louis Vuitton's fall campaign shot by Annie Leibovitz, that made me really want a Louis Vuitton suitcase for the very first time in my life -

I love an overstuffed soft-sided suitcase that isn't a duffel. I don't really care for Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi. (Though I like tennis, and Mr Agassi is brilliant.) I have eyes only for the suitcase.
It's a nice break from those over-saturated (the colours, the highly stylised women) images Louis Vuitton has been putting out for ages.
Picture from
on the road

Reviewed by just4u
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5