Not that I don't admire (from a distance) the overall look, and from what I gather from what I read about her, what Rei Kawakubo is trying to accomplish through fashion. Just that generally speaking, I consume mainstream fashion.
But the latest from Comme has me sitting up and clapping. Nope I don't plan to wear any of it or anything remotely like it. But this time I got the message loud and clear, and I like it. Finally we have a designer criticising the ridiculous-ness of the infantile look that has dominated fashion since last fall.
Don't get me wrong - I love a pinafore (but not in a mini), I like the trapeze, and I like a crisp schoolgirl blouse and coat. But I hate babydolls, giant bows that aren't by Lacroix, and knee socks on anyone over age 10 (though if it's part of your school uniform, I understand).
But infantile is infantile, and Ms Kawakubo did a great skewering of this look, right down to the Minnie Mouse ears seen on some of the models -

Coco Chanel demonstrated that a schoolgirl blouse can look chic and mature and not at all Lolita-ish. So can we do away with the vaguely pornographic little-girl thing, pretty please?
Pictures from
thank you, ms kawakubo

Reviewed by just4u
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5